Journal Articles
Sansone, D. and Zhu, A (2023). Using Machine Learning to Create an Early Warning System for Welfare Recipients (Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 0305-9049; doi: 10.1111/obes.12550).
Cobb-Clark, D., Dahmann, S., Salamanca, N., and Zhu, A (2022). Intergenerational Disadvantage: Learning about Equal Opportunity from Social Assistance Receipt (Labour Economics; p.102276)
Mendolia, S., Suziedelyte, A., and Zhu, A (2022). Have Girls Been Left Behind During the Covid-19 Pandemic? Gender Differences in Pandemic Effects on Children’s Mental Wellbeing (Economic Letters; 214, p.110458).
Suziedelyte, A., and Zhu, A (2021). The Intergenerational Impact of Reduced Generosity in the Social Safety Net (Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; 192, pp.1-24).
Broadway, B., LoRiggio, T., Ryan, C., and Zhu, A (2021). Literature Review on the Impact of Welfare Policy Design on Children and Youth. (Journal of Economic Surveys; 36(4), pp.809-840).
Price A, Zhu A, Nguyen H, Contreras-Suarez D, Schreurs N, Burley J, Lawson K, Kelaher M, Lingam R, Grace R, Raman S, Kemp L, Woolfenden S, Goldfeld S (2021). The Healthier Wealthier Families (HWF) pilot randomised controlled trial: testing the feasibility of delivering financial counselling to families with young children who are identified as experiencing financial hardship by community-based nurses. BMJ Open;11:e044488.
Feeny, S., Trinh, T-A. and A. Zhu (2021). Temperature Shocks and Energy Poverty: Findings from Vietnam, Energy Economics, Vol. 99.
Feeny, S., Mishra, A., Trong-Anh, T., Ye, L., & Zhu, A (2021). Early- Life Exposure to Rainfall Shocks and Gender Gaps in Employment: Findings from Vietnam. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. vol 183, p.533-554.
Fisher, H. and Zhu, A. (2019). The effect of changing financial incentives on repartnering. Economic Journal. vol 129, Issue 623, p.2833–2866.
Cobb-Clark, D., Salamanca, N., and Zhu, A. (2019). Parenting Style as an Investment in Human Development. Journal of Population Economics. vol 32, Issue 4, p.1315-1352.
Bradbury, B. and Zhu, A. (2018). Welfare entry and exit after marital separation among Australian mothers. Economic Record. 94, no. 307, p.405-423.
Polidano, C., Zhu A., and Bornstein, J. (2017). The relationship between cesarian births and child cognitive development. Scientific Reports - Nature. 7(1), p.11483.
Cobb-Clark, D. and Zhu, A. (2017). Childhood Homelessness and Adult employment: The Role of Education, Incarceration and Welfare Receipt. Journal of Population Economics, vol. 30. Issue 3.
Zhu, A. (2016). Disability of a pre-school child and maternal employment trajectories. Applied Economics, vol.48. p.4606-4621.
Suziedelyte, A., and Zhu, A. (2015). Does early schooling narrow outcome gaps for advantaged and disadvantaged children? Economics of Education Review, vol.45. p.76-88.
Zhu, A., and Bradbury, B. (2015). Delaying school entry: short and longer term effects on mother’s employment. The Economic Record, vol.91. Issue 293.
Zhu, A. (2012). Working and Caring for Large Families- Do mothers face a trade-off? Journal of Population Research, vol.29, Issue 4, p.329-350.
Saunders, P. and Zhu, A. (2009). Comparing Disadvantage and Well-Being in Australian Families. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, vol.12, No.1.
Book Chapters
Johnson, G., Ribar, D., Zhu, A. (2018). Women's Homelessness: International Evidence on Causes, Consequences, Coping and Policies. Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy Chapter edited by Laura Argys, Susan Averett and Saul D Hoffman. (DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190628963.013.34).
Ryan, C., and Zhu, A. (2022). Sibling health, schooling and longer-term developmental outcomes, Edited Volume: Critical Perspectives on Economics of Education and Education Policy (Routledge) (Forthcoming).
Under Review
Chigavazira, A., Fisher, H., Robinson, T., and Zhu, A. The consequences of extending equitable property division laws to cohabitants. (R&R Journal of Law and Economics).
Fok, K., Powell, A. and Zhu, A. Non-standard work and job satisfaction in Australia.
Current Projects
Kunz J., and Zhu, A. The Effect of Welfare Assistance at Arrival for Immigrant Mothers on Long-Term and Intergenerational Labour Market Integration.
Lattimore F., Steinberg, D., and Zhu, A. Economic Returns of a New Qualification in Later-Life: Results from Machine Learning Models.
Broadway B., and Zhu, A. Heterogeneity in Welfare Reform Effects and Geographic Predictors.
FitzgeraldSice, J., Lattimore F., Robinson, T., and Zhu, A. A Critical Review of Double LASSO.